June 24, 2010

My Stats 6.24.10

I just now started using this app for my iPhone called GolfShot which allows me to track all of my stats. It's a pretty good program. I only have one round logged in the stats you see below so i'll expect them to improve as I improve.

Somethings going on with my swing. I'm having a hell of a time hitting the fairway, and an even harder time aiming. I go threw periods where it's so simple to get the ball were i want it to go... then it be comes so difficult to get it to go even in the general direction i want it to go. I've been practicing a lot to identify where this inconsistency is coming from. Short game is deadly... thank god.

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Current areas of focus w/ Links

Swing Plane drills for thought to reduce my outside in swing path and improve my alignement.
Swing Plane thoughts on reshaping your swing and ensuring a proper spine angle.
Squaring the back of my hand a the top of my back swing to reduce my slice.
Gripping the damn club: no consistency.
Improving my Set-up or Posture

Practice with a purpose

Swing Thoughts: Slow and steady takeaway, front arm straight, maintain back elbow close to body and point the butt of the shaft at the ball during the up and downswing; downswing starts slow and accelerate through impact.